Sunday, July 9, 2017

a gift

This past week flew by - we celebrated Canada's 150th, had visitors from the West Coast, picked up the key to our new place and moved a few things in! 

 This candlemat and card were made for a gift - I hated to part with the candlemat .... isn't that shameful.

This photo was taken in May - they had 4 goslings but only one wanted it's photo taken - the others were tucked up under mom's wings .....

remember that sometimes not getting what you want
is a wonderful stroke of luck


Robin in Virginia said...

Sweet goose family! Your card and candle mat are darling, Kate. I bet they were well received.

Jenny said...

Best of luck with your move. I think you need to stitch yourself a new candle mat for your new home - just like the one you gave away as a gift.

WoolenSails said...

That is a beautiful candle mat, you will just have to make another for yourself.
I hope your move goes smoothly.


Anonymous said...

Goslings are so cute! I don't think it's shameful that you wanted to keep your candle mat. It's so pretty, why wouldn't you? It also means that you are giving something the receiver is bound to like, and that you value highly. =)

Anonymous said...

Such a cute candle mat...I can see why you wanted to keep it! :) Good luck with the move to your new home.

Carol said...

Such cute creations, Kate! I find it hard to let some of my things go, too :) Glad you are beginning to get moved in--hope the rest goes smoothly!

Needled Mom said...

I can see why you would hate to send that cute mat off to a new home. You must be busy with moving.

Those wings look like a good shelter.

Brigitte said...

Both stitched projects look gorgeous, Kate. You always make wonderful things and I can see why it's sometimes hard to part with them.

Timi said...

These gifts are so lovely! No wonder you hated to part with it...:o)