Saturday, July 22, 2017

memory quilt ....

I don't very often share pix of quilts because I don't make them any more - just mini quilts or the occasional baby quilt.... although I still like trying out different quilt blocks.  When I was going through some older photos (as you'll see by the date) looking for something in particular I came across this memory quilt - well, sort of a memory quilt - maybe in memory of my fella's working days.  ^^ I made this from some of his old plaid shirts and there were enough to make a quilt to fit a queen bed for our cabin in the woods in British Columbia.    So I figured why not show you the quilt and voilà!  It now resides at our cabin in Manitoba.
By the way, do you see that lamp on the right - it's marble and belonged to my paternal grandmother - it's old - older than I - I still have it - it's a cherished memory of her.

start each day with a grateful heart


Robin in Virginia said...

Kate, I love your "memory" quilt. What a treasure you have in your grandmother's lamp! Enjoy your weekend!

Unknown said...

A beautiful quilt which helps make your room look so cosy. Such a wonderful heirloom to remember your grandmother by.

Jenny said...

Your plaid quilt looks right at home there on the bed in your cabin!

Jeanette said...

Love your memory quilt. It looks wonderful. Your grandmothers lamp is a treasure for sure. Hugs,xx

Tangos Treasures said...

Love it all!! Great memories are always good!!

WoolenSails said...

The quilt looks wonderful and perfect for the cabin. It is nice to have your grandmother's memory with you, there.


Stephanie said...

Your post is full of sweet memories. The quilt is lovely as is the lamp. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

that quilt is perfect for the cabin ^^

Brigitte said...

This quilt looks so great. And even better when it evokes memories. And how nice to have this lamp as a memory of your grandmother.

Carol said...

Glad you have that pretty quilt out where you can enjoy it, Kate! Lovely lamp, too--I still have a few of my grandma's possessions and they mean ever so much to me :)

Anonymous said...

The quilt looks wonderful! I would never have guessed plaid squares would look so great. I may have to make one. The lamp is lovely and how wonderful that you still have it and treasure it.

Timi said...

It's a beautiful memory quilt!!!