Monday, March 15, 2021

March . . .

 May the lilt of Irish laughter lighten every load,

May the mist of Irish magic shorten every road,

And may all your friends remember all the favours you are owed!

Lucie Heaton fairy

'Tis the Ides of March, soon to be St. Patrick's Day, followed by the Spring Equinox - dare I mention DST . . .  March is a busy month.  

follow your dreams - they know the way


Ann said...

Love the Irish blessing and the little stitched cushion is adorable.

Needled Mom said...

That is so cute. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you.

Clare-Aimetu said...

That's so cute, yes March does have a lot going on

WoolenSails said...

What a fun piece for St. Pattys day.


Claire said...

and a happy Ides of March to you ^^

Carol said...

Aww... such a sweet little Irish fairy. Adorable pillow, Kate!

Robin in Virginia said...

Darling piece, Kate! Yes, March is a busy month.

Jenny said...

Love your little Irish fairy, sending you Irish blessings too!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Adorable fairy! Getting ready for the Spring Solstice and DST next week. At least it's in the Easter holidays so we can catch up with some sleep!