September surely went by quickly!! The weather just now is quite pleasant and Mom Nature's colour palette is magnificent - there's been no frost yet although a few nights have been a bit nippy.
I made this owl to celebrate fall. It's a design by Jennie Rayment. For the eyes I used two sizes of pompoms which look ok in the photo but are rather bug-eyed in actuality. It uses two charm squares for the body and the tummy piece should be bigger - it's my prototype.
The wooly worms are out and about - they're so cute.
And I crocheted a cover for this old Nabob jar and filled it
with evergreens - just for something to do - using an ombre cotton yarn.
lead by example
I love your little touches of Fall . . . so pretty and sweet. That owl is adorable.
Fun projects and the owl is a clever piece.
What on earth do woolly worms grow into? Something horrible like a huge moth perhaps?
Fall is such a wonderful season full of wonderful colours. So my little morning walk through our garden makes me totally happy. But it always makes me happy because each season has its beauties to admire in the garden.
The owl must have been fun to make. Just as much fun as the crochet jar lid. You are so full of creative ideas and always come up with something new.
Lovely owl!
Such a cute little owl! Your weather is cooling down and ours is heating up; temperatures have been in the mid to late 30s this last week, so it's more like Summer rather than Spring!
Cute caterpillar - boring moth! Supposedly, the wider the orange band the milder the winter.
That owl is so cute. What will that wooly worm turn into?
Thanks for your visit to my blog Kate .... all your creations are wonderful but I do especially love your Owl ... he is perfect! We are entering spring here but your Fall colours are marvellous.
Your owl is so sweet. Will we be seeing a whole flock of them now?
So cute little owl!!!
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