Friday, June 28, 2013

cottage country

Our most recent trip to the cottage started our uneventful until the arrival of a neighbour's son - his mode of transportation is always entertaining to us ...

This time round there wasn't much wind and it was pleasantly warm.  Summer made it's entrance with 10.5" of rain over 7 days, 6" of which fell in one day.  The river is high and all sorts of interesting debris floated by including a 30' tree - it was raining too hard to get a photo.   This was the harbinger of the rain .....

Magpies have nested very near the top of a large spruce tree by the deck .... we always know when the babies are hungry!  According to our NG bird book "in English folklore the magpie is a bird of omen - one magpie is for sorrow, two for mirth, three for a wedding, four for a birth, five for silver, seven for a secret not told, eight for heaven, nine for hell, and ten for the devil's own sel' " .

I spruced up my cottage garden journal and even remembered to include a pocket on the inside front cover....
And this is one of the Columbines that was blooming .....


Valma said...

ho my ! I took this kind of plane during my trip to Canada some years ago ! what a fun !! =)
'landing' on water is so amazing...
I remember it was beginning of September and the trees has their first autumn colours, very beautiful to see, I must have pictures somewhere !
very beautiful piece you made for your garden journal, very sweet
have a great weekend
big hugs

Ana Love Craft said...

Hi Kate, thanks for sharing your amazing post! I love the terrific blue flowers!
Have a fabulous week!
Hugs from Portugal,

Ana Love Craft

Maminti, a kicsi zöld tündér said...

This redwork pattern is extremely cute!!! I like it so much!