Friday, December 20, 2019

Christmas stuff ...

Just some Christmas stuff.     It's amazing what some sunshine can do for a photo - we've had a dearth of sunshine this season and I'm curious why ...

 a tomte made from a styrofoam ball, felt and fake fur with a mini pom pom for a nose

a Gail Pan design

I used to make these wine jackets  

memories keep Christmas in our hearts


Jenny said...

So nice to see your Christmas treasures out on display.

Ann said...

All your Christmas decorations look wonderful. Very festive

WoolenSails said...

Wonderful Christmas decorations and ornaments. I wanted to make some gnomes, but ended up with a Santa, lol. Have a wonderful Christmas!


Robin in Virginia said...

What beautiful Christmas decorations and ornaments you share, Kate! I know you are happy to have the sunshine. Wishing you a peaceful weekend!

Timi said...

So many beautiful handmade ornaments!!! Looks like you are ready for Christmas! :o)

Maya Kuzman said...

Your Christmas tree snippets are wonderful! For me, the tree has continued to be an everlasting spring of joy throughout the years!