Saturday, June 30, 2018


RAIN - yessirree we got rain at the cabin!!  Having had just an inch and a quarter of rain since the snow departed it was delightful to awake early this morning to the sound of a decent rain - just checked the rain gauge and it shows a half inch - wow!!  It's been hot and sometimes extremely windy with rain all around us - finally it was our turn.  😊

This is a long weekend in Canada as we celebrate Canada Day on July 1 - here's our jar of fireflies to celebrate the occasion....


I read about peony jelly and just had to try it - problem is I have no peonies here but neighbour and friend E does so I got some from him and just in time - the hot, dry weather this year has resulted in early but short lived blooms.   I made this from red peonies and whilst it is very sweet it has a fruity flavour - I'm happy with it....

For several years the Eastern Phoebe has nested in the same spot - this year there were five little ones - my fella had the pleasure of seeing them leave the nest. 

summer should be issued speeding tickets


Timi said...

Oh, these little birds are so cute!
The jelly looks delicious!
We have extremely windy weather here too, but we had some rain this week, and the temperature isn't higher than 25 C, so I enjoy it :o)
Have a great sumer!!!

Robin in Virginia said...

Glad you are getting some rain, Kate. What a super bird photo you shared along with the fireflies! Have an enjoying weekend and Happy Canada Day to you!

Jenny said...

How sweet to have some baby birds nesting by your cabin. I looked them up on the internet to read about them.
Never heard od peony jelly, but it looks very tasty, good on you for trying something new and interesting.

Ann Thompson said...

I haven't collected fireflies in a hate in a very long time. I've never heard of peony jelly

WoolenSails said...

Glad you got some rain, always nice to get a good downpour in the summer. Those birds are so cute, ours are too hidden to see, but I always hear them.


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Maya Kuzman said...

I am a bit late with my visit Kate! Sorry! I am trying to catch up on my blog reading :)
As we were under the influence of a hurricane meteorologists named Silvia, we had rain to last us a lifetime. Seriously, if it lasted a bit longer I think we would've become all moldy :)

Honestly, rain is a blessed thing and really needed when the temps hit over the 45C here in these parts, but in reasonable amounts, thank you!

Love your pictures, especially of the huddled birdies!

Brigitte said...

So good for your region that you had some rain coming down. I know it was really badly needed.
I'm always amazed what kind of jellies you make. I'm sure they taste gorgeous, Kate.
These little birds are so sweet ...