Tuesday, September 3, 2019

careful what you wish for or ....

In my previous post I mentioned that we'd had no rain at the cabin .... well, guess what - we received 1" on Monday!   Wow, we could almost hear the grass growing.  ^^  I'm not sure if I should say careful what you wish for or if I should have posted about the lack of rain sooner - the rain was desperately needed although it's too late in the season for the farmers and ranchers. 

Here are some pix of the Morning Glory flowers that grew so well at the cabin in spite of very little moisture - towards the end of summer they had no leaves left but kept on blooming.  I am very fond of Morning Glories and remember my grandma growing them every year  My French daughter-in- law calls them Belle-de-Jour and I think that is a perfect name for them. ^^  

a garden is a friend you can talk to anytime


WoolenSails said...

We have had plenty of rain this year, which is good since we usually get too dry.
Your gardens look lovely, even with the lack of rain.


Robin in Virginia said...

What beautiful morning glories you have, Kate! We see patches of them along the way to town. Glad you had some rain!

Carol said...

Please send some of your rain down this way, Kate! We just had a bunch of plants/trees planted and we desperately need some (watering is taking all of my free time :)

Love the morning glories and your daughter-in-law's name for them. Hope your week ahead is a good one!

Maya Kuzman said...

Rain is such a blessing. Here, due to scarce, almost non-existent rainfall during the summer, the trees have prematurely turned yellow. It is such a sad sight.

Susan said...

I'm glad the rains came. I also love morning glories, though there are places that ban them because they spread so quickly. Way better than kudzu, I think!