Saturday, September 28, 2019

fallen behind ....

Usually during the summer at the cabin  I stitch some Christmas cards but not this year for some reason.  Thus far I've stitched only one and I stitched it last week at home - I've really fallen behind. 
This is part of a design, Snowbirds, by Country Cottage Needleworks using colours appropriate for the recipient ...

The heat wave lasted one enjoyable week and was followed by some rather cool temperatures - no killing frost yet which is good news - there is snow to the west of us but none in our forecast - also good news.  

be yourself ...
everyone else is already taken


Ann said...

That is really cute. I'm always

WoolenSails said...

That is a beautiful design and I am starting to think, Christmas myself.
I have so many things i have wanted to make and things to finish, so hopefully I can get some things done this year.


Robin in Virginia said...

Love your sweet little bird stitch, Kate!

Carol said...

I'm glad the snow hasn't hit you, Kate--it sounds horrid with up to four feet! I can't imagine...

Very cute birdie :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a sweet little birdie! I hope I can get outside this week and look for some. I'm getting my housework done today! lol Hugs!