Monday, October 7, 2019

couldn't resist ....

I couldn't resist crocheting this cutie by Stitches n Scraps.   I don't  have a newel post for it so I used a jam jar - I used #3 yarn - it's really cute! 

These are the mini pumpkins I made last year ...

It did happen - the snow that is - went to bed on September 30 to big, wet, flakes of it and arose to about a half inch - quickly disappeared once the sun rose.  Hopefully, we can now expect Indian Summer to arrive.  

We went to the cabin yesterday - this little oak is the last to get it's leaves and the first to lose them  ...

I've been  on a downsizing/de-cluttering spree - did a lot of this at the cabin over the summer - am now tackling it at home - almost done (for 2019).  The downsizing will be a continuous thing I fear - it's getting easier to part with keepsakes, memories and good stuff - just can't do it all at one time.  ^^

it might not seem like much to us,
but to people who have little, 
a little more can seem a fortune


WoolenSails said...

Love the little pumpkin, something different too.
I am downsizing too, starting with the church yard sale.
I have tons of cats, so that will be the first to go, and i will just keep my favorites.


Maya Kuzman said...

Those pumpkins are gorgeous Kate! And you've made so many!!
As for the de-cluttering spree - I had a summer one, now I am getting ready to get rid of the winter clothes. Hopefully I fill as many bags as I did with the previous one :)
Cleansing the wardrobes and the house feels fabulous!

Carol said...

Love all of your cute pumpkins, Kate!

Good for you for downsizing and decluttering. We are going to seriously tackle that this winter ourselves. We have two attics and plan on getting the stuff down to at least fit in the smaller one over the garage :) It is a good feeling!

Jenny said...

Guess we all should do some decluttering, its just a matter of getting started. And starting small, one drawer or cupboard at a time, otherwise it gets overwhelming.

Ann said...

Cute pumpkins. Love all the colorful ones in the second picture.
I hope we don't get snow any time soon. I haven't even seen many trees turning yet.

Robin in Virginia said...

Your pumpkins are adorable, Kate! My project for the upcoming winter months is to start purging 26 years worth of teacher stuff. I have passed some things on, but it is time for it all to be released. I bet that first snow was pretty.

Timi said...

Those pumpkins are so cute!
And snow? WOW! I hope you will have Indian Summer!

Susan said...

Happy, beautiful fall! I like the newel cover, but I don't have one, either, though I have stairs! Best of luck in your decluttering!